Fajardo, Puerto Rico - Family Vacation 2015
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2/10/2015 - Tuesday - Arrived at the San Juan Airport around 2:30pm (1 hour ahead of EST) but did not get on the road until around 3:30pm with a wait at the rental car counter. We rented a 4 door compact (some type of Hyundai,) but would definitely go with a 4wd Jeep for any future trips. Arrived at the condo around 5pm, with Debi and Alex immediately heading back out in search of some fast food (nothing but the half turkey sandwich from Delta since getting up at 5:30am.) Just got settled in and enjoyed the heat for the rest of the night.
2/11/2015 - Wednesday - Leisurely morning with a quick half hour work out in the complex gym. Hit the Walmart for a couple of beach chairs and a cooler. We headed to Seven Seas beach, just down the road from the condo. Seven Seas ended up having the calmest waters of the beaches visited due to a protective reef. Spent a few hours at the beach, then headed back to the condo to check out the pool. Headed to a El Veradero for dinner about 1/4 mile from the complex which was right on the water at the marina. Very good.
2/12/2015 - Thursday - First day with a plan. Got up early for the 1 hour ferry ride to Culebra. The ferry terminal is only about 10 minutes from the condo and the plan was to get there at 8:30am for a 9am departure. Got there around 8:50am (1 hour ahead of EST remember,) but had no problem as the ferry was delayed for an hour due to replacing some engine room batteries. Pulled into Culebra around 11am and were in our rented Jeep around 11:30am. Hit Flamenco (best sand and clearest water,) Zoni (out of the way and less crowded,) and Melones (snorkeling) beaches, before heading back to the ferry dock for departure at 5pm. Got back to the condo around 6:30 to refresh and then headed down the road to another great restaurant, Pasion por el Fagon.
P can't be without his phone....ever
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